made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Friday, March 15, 2013

Lucky Run Wrap Up & Team Mermaid, Sacramento

Half marathon #2 is in the bag. This was the first time I ran the Lucky Run in Davis. It was a beautiful day for an event (I could have done without the wind) and everyone I came across was in great spirits. I've never had a bad experience with race day volunteers but the folks at this event was among I the best ever! They help motivate and everyone of them had a smile on their face.

This was a challenging race for me. My right hamstring with bothering me before I even started and I had forgotten my watch at home. This meant I didn't have a timer to run my usual 30 second walk/run intervals. So instead I ran till I was tired and walked till I felt recovered. This was great, at first. I was running longer than I usually do but I wore out my feet and legs too early in the race. By the time I got to mile nine my feet where so tired they hurt. I actually walked the last 5K. On the up side, hard races make me value the finisher medal a little more. I earned that sucker.

I started training with my new team this week. Team Mermaid has come to Sacramento and I couldn't be happier! It feels great to be apart of a team again. We did a short run and lower body work on Wednesday and today (Friday) we did a strength workout focusing on upper body. It was challenging but I felt like a rockstar when I got home.

Tomorrow I plan on taking my bike on the the American River bike trail for the first time. I'll go for 30 minutes out then 30 minutes back before spending the day with my honey. I have my third half marathon on Sunday, the Shamrock'n half. I'm excited for this one. I ran it last year and it was a lot of fun (even though I was in new shoes and my feet didn't have a good time). Wish me luck!

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