made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Monday, February 20, 2012

Back on the Road

Today was the first day in over a week I felt well enough to go out for a run. It felt so good to get outside and enjoy the signs of spring popping up in the neighborhood. The sun never came out but it was still a nice outing. It was a slow workout, only partly due to my picture taking. I plan on running every day this week with exception for Friday and Saturday. We're planning on going to Monterey on Friday and Saturday will be a rest day for me in preparation for my 5K on Sunday.    

The really isn't my neighborhood but one next to mine. It's such a pretty area and I love admiring the homes and yards. I get lots of ideas and dreams for my own home and yard.

I heard that the groundhog said we are in for an extended winter but it's pretty obvious to me that he wasn't a Californian groundhog. I think it's safe to say that we in Cali are boycotting winter.

This is the kind of thing that kept distracting me form my run. 

There are a few streets that have corners like this in that neighborhood. I really love trees and one of the reasons I enjoy living in Sacramento is the diverse tree population that survives here. Everywhere you look there are trees. 

Did I mention that I love trees???

Last night, my best friend, Danielle, came over with her 10 month old baby boy. They live in PA so this was the first time I've seen her in a reeeally long time and the first time ever meeting my newest (honorary) nephew, Glayven. Danielle and I have been besties since we were in the fourth grade. In fact, Sami is a year older than I was when Danielle and I met. That's pretty crazy. My sister, Jamie, is also really close to Danielle. After all, She's known Danielle since she was five. It was great for all of us and our kids to be in the same room together. I only wish Jamie's step-daughter, Maddie, and Danielle's step-son, Jaden, could have been here too. 

My kids are the two not smiling... Sami was really tired and Nevyn hates these kind of social events that don't involve presents for him. Danielle is sitting next to me with her son, Glayven. My sister, Jamie, is behind Danielle with her daughter, Avery, next to her and Nevyn. Avery is very good at putting up a "cheese" face when there is camera near by.

I hope you all are enjoying your Monday. 

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