made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Not Just Another Wednesday

I'm on vacation this week and I really needed it. It's been a mellow week so far. Jeremy and I have been staying up late watching episodes of Bones and sleeping in (me more than him). I've been running everyday except today and I went to body pump last night before my Biggest Loser date with Samantha. This afternoon Sami and I sat out front in the sun for about half an hour. That was great. Sami actually went inside because she got over heated! I had my yearly eye exam and my eyes have gotten better over the last three years. I have better than 20/20 vision and, according to my doctor, wont need reading glasses till I'm about 45. I can deal with that.

Jeremy got a new computer today (yay) and then got a little frustrated when he needed an adapter, then was told they didn't make them anymore, then was told they do make then but the store doesn't stock them... Let's just say it got ugly and Jeremy ended up throwing a full blown Cullifer tantrum. So... the kids and I got in the car and went to visit my dad and I left Jeremy's brother to deal with ... that... When we got to my dad's house he was on his computer trying to switch form one printer to the other so he could print out some pictures for a job.  It wasn't working but he put it away until after our visit. (Thank goodness. I was not prepared to deal with another adult tantrum and I was running out of places to go.)

I love hanging out with my dad. We can talk about anything from history, to politics, to baseball, to kids, whatever. Just being in the same room as him makes me happy. However, my son doesn't really like going anywhere that doesn't have video games available to him. So, after being at my dad's for about fifteen minutes he started asking when we could leave. Yes, he had his Nintendo DS, his phone and a book with him but didn't touch any of them. He felt his time was better spent driving me crazy. Our whole visit was about 45 minutes.

Sami, Nevyn, dad, me & my sister
This is what happens when you
ask him to smile for a solo shot

Once we got home we had a little family meeting concerning the behavior of our children. (Jeremy was Jeremy again by this point. Thank you, Daniel for handling that situation.) I wont bore you (embarrassing myself) with the details of the kids' behavior that was discussed but the end result was banishment to the bedrooms until dinner was ready. As an unrelated side note, I finally purchased an American River Parkway parking pass! I'm very excited about this. Now we can go down to the river when ever we want.

I don't know what the parking pass
actually looks like but no fear.
Y'all find out almost as soon as I do
.It's coming in the mail.
I realized that I never updated my loyal readers on the gifts Jeremy and I exchanged for Valentine's Day. My sweet and thoughtful husband got me the over priced backpack I saw at the gym a while back! I'm so excited to use it on my next hike. I got him a double walled Starbucks travel mug (he needed a new one and really wanted one) and a, get ready for it, nose hair trimmer! I know it doesn't sound like the best of gifts but it was on his wishlist and he was really happy about getting them. I know these aren't he most romantic gifts we could give each other, and there where no flowers or chocolates, but they were things we really wanted. We were both very happy and surprised. (That's now two things off my wish list!)

Dinner is now ready so I'm ending this blog. The kids have emerged from their rooms and everyone seems happy and pleasant. Thank Goodness! Hopefully all will be well and we'll end the night with a family game night and we'll all be one happy family again.

As you can see, Sadie was less than
Nevyn was very happy about family
game night.And a little frighting.

Haha, Winning!  Seriously, I won :o)

Seriously! Follow me... Pleeeease!

1 comment:

Jacque said...

Your a good kid Anna, love reading your blog.